PIA Pakistan International Airlines Requires Chief Internal Auditor (Government Job)
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- Auditor jobs
CAREER OPPORTUNITY PIA with lt current revltallzat,on plan needs highly gaflenœd sod qed leen players. Td. erwgetc sod self motivated person may become pert of our teem lo perform fotle bi PtA. In INs regard, applications are erad from Pekislarie Nationals fcr the position of ChIef Internal Auditor on contract basis for a period 01 two (02) years (extendible) In the ccwporalon. The eligbe candidates must possess the quaikations I experience mantened belne QujIIfbçIon; ACAfChartered Accountant froni recognized wiversityl .wtitute. Candedate muai be an acuedded member of ICAP. ‘txperlence: Minimum 10 years post qualdicabon experience in a carrwnercxal organization of repute. Candidate having Airline experience will b. given —, No. of Vacancy: 01(0e ment basis) Maximum Ag.: Not to exceed 45 years. Application ProcedurelGuidelines: 1. Applications are invited on the prescnbed FORM available (free of cost) in PIA Recruitment G Placement Offic, at Karachi and in PIA Offices at other stations and also on PIA’s website: www.plac.com .pklcar..rs 2. Application along-with photocopies of Metric. other qualifications & experience, domicile. National Identity Card accompanied by Pay OrderlCross Bank Draft of Rupees 5001- (non refundable) in the name of PIAC must be sent through reputed Courier Services The application should reach the DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER, RECRUITMENT G PLACEMENT OFFICE, NEAR PIA TRAINING CENTRE. KARACHI AIRPORT 75200 NOT LATER THAN 28th July, 2012. 3. Applicant must clearly mention the positon applied for on the top left side of the envelope. 4. No TAIDA will b. admissible for interview. 2 cols x 19 cms