CAREER OPPORTUNITIES for AUDI ARABIA A leading heay haulage and rigging specialists company requires the following personnel: L3RCII ‘l\’ \;LHSI(PREVJOUS EXPERIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION OR PORT SERVICES OR TRANSPORTATION): Age 40-45 years. Graduate Engineer, lOto 15 ears experience in project management. (luIf experience will he preferred. SALES ENGINEERS: _____________________ Age 3045 years, Engineering degree preferably in Mechanical. 2-5 years olexperience in sales. Preferable if familiar with rental huineis of heavy equipment, cranes lifl system, and hydraulic trailer. Auto CAD knowledge is advantageous. JR AINSPORT SUPERVISORS: [ Age 35-45 years. preferably Engineer, 5 years experience with abnoniial/heay, transport activities. Strong character and abilityto lead workforcc, Gulfexperience will be preferred. ijAINTENANCE SuPERVISORS (ASST. TO WOkKSIIOP M 4.NACFR) HF, age 30-5 years, more than 5-10 years experience in maintenance oi equipments like erawìcr/hyJauhc cranes, hydraulic equipment, trailers, truck etc. Fully conversant with preventive inuintenance schedule and its execution. llVI)RAULICTECIINICIANS:I Age 25-35 years, Diploma 2-3 years in Mechanical Engineering, 4-5 years experience on maintenance ol hydiu lic equipment consisting of crane, transpon, construction equipment. Should be able lo read hydraulic diagram. I)IESEL MECHANICS: _________________________ Age 25.35years, Technical Diploma, with minimum 5 years experience inhl.D. vehicles, plant and construction equipmcnt. Ability to overhaul engines. TO EIÆCTRIClÁNS: Age 25-35 years, high Sch(xlDiplon:a in Electrical, 5-10 years experience in troubleshooting/repairing. electrical systems of heavy cranes, transport equipment and automobile. Should be able to read electric diagram. RIGCERS: high School Certificate, age 25.35 years with strong physique. 2.3 years experience in Constructioa Co.! Pon oeranïons (stevedoring). Preference will be given to those having driving license, Contpany offers free accommodation/allowance and trnnsportation, 30 days annual vacation ticket and insurance... Candìdates meeting the above criteria may visit our Karachi Office with CVs, copies of educational and experience certificates for Valk-in-Interviews on July 16 & 17, 2012. Note: (‘Vs without copies of educational and experience certilicates will not be entertained. I ALJADID MANPOWER SERVICES OEPL No. 0795/KAR, PE(S) #448, 12154 Dt:10-01-12, 17-5-12 Karachi:21 1, Business Avenue, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Tel: (021) 34522158 AJMS E-Mail:, jobs© Website: www.ajms.bizL