.. A repifld Pobtic Sector O,Qor.U cri co req.iies the ,e,vlcep o Q.oted Eineigetic a Self.riioriv.ted roodidoecs oie Caotioct boule loras Upcoanfrq Pralctu. Appi..tionare belted br 5h. lIlqwing peWlbonibom adldat,swho,,,,., the up.kOed triCen. Pos4ion Programen. M ag.rMwiUpt. Posts) Age LIin4t il .. u c en 0k iNoei.)o, r.iAð USc )Consput.r Sci.nc./lflor .5ulal.,st ..cogeimd d.gna. mom Local or For. fie ipui•d Ufv.r5lib. PUP c.t’l.Icaiom wilibe prebired, Mir mum Lepenience At east S 5eans el relevant ..perencq in rnana.nggou.nlrrn.nt protects (preferably lie collaboration witS inleu.utioesbl dewelopment parevseru)or In liedusiry (business developmeiel. enurkel.vig. prelerably with a Murti,.ut,oeal Corporalianor NGO)ia eepporteng software apph cation ImplernentatiOm from a iurectionall.ad titnilinefal lead p.rsp.ci. fns4len Peogeanim•OMc.r Pd,ItoPI. Posts) ¡ Ag. limit: PS Viens. aaimi ° 0k (Hoin.)o, UU/ USc (Computer kienceilllSoftware Engineering) or equivalent recognized degree from Local ce Fozeigme iepi,ted Urbiv.rsiI. PUP Lemi,flcatioe well b. pr.lene.d, topenleMe felenani .np.ni.nc. will be prebnred but .105 .ssental, P.04100 Proj.ct C.otdlnat•r(MuIEipl. Pø154 ¡ Agi Limit. IS Vi.t ea ca on 85e llbons.)or MON USc (Computer Sci.nc.ðlT(Sohwar. (ngiiw.rlng) or eqw,aleflt recognized d.gze. horn or Foreegn repjted Unieefeit, PUP cerlilIcalion will bc p.len,Çd, (.p.rienc. *.RrISt huye at least) That of ,.l.want ..p.ri.nre P.54100 MI C.ordinat.r (01) Age Limit: IS Viens. QealiXcation tjclwio:s j Mast., (HIM) fiom reputed foreign or local loti tute (ap,fl.nce iieles.nt q acenefa. will be preferred For deLdi.d lob Deocription aid Apply g OimInI . Pieu. Visit: HTTP:IIIPOVT.CAP.HJ$.&QG$ÐQT.COAtl te candidates ri governineot I sent rgeeenrtmneqt oecs’ce should .pp’p through proper th.rietel. We eoceno the rghi to aenc.tlr.j.ct any application etisout (twang any reason, Only shortlisted candidates will be called (or Iestlweterview Age limit rnarb. related forcandedat.t with ..c.ptienal ..p.ri.nc.. No TA/tlAwiI b. paid. APPtICAIIOð DEAOLIWz 11 huy. 2082. t.MAIL APPLICAflONS tend four Complet. Updated Ie5ameICVIOGOVIfÅIPIÌSGNAIL CÖ CL(A*LY MtF4itOfdNG The Position Applied Por us the 5ub)ect aithe Email or It POST: HR DIPARtUINI — P.O. 00X0 401. 6PQ. LAIIORL. (Plea se specify th. Pêst Applied Foe am 1h. might co.n.eof the envelope).