Senior Manager Required at Fauji Foundation
01-Jul-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Senior Manager (Design & Contracts)
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- Management jobs
- Fauji Foundation jobs
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- Private Trust jobs
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES 1. Faup Foundanon is one of the largest Welfare cum Business concern in the country. It invites applications for tfle foltowing posts:. 5v ft QlifiçIonL Fxierience PtfLç.ajjQn a. Senior Manager (Design & Contracts) 01 Qualification BSc Civil Engineering (1 st Division) Preferably MSc (Structure Engineenng) Fauji Foundaon Head Office Rawalpindi Experience (1) Served in a reputed organization for at least 15 years as Manager with experience in handling design & conhracng works (2) Expert in design of multistory building (3) Mirimum 16 years for BSc (Civil Enneering) Mirimum 12 years for MSc (Civil Enneering) (4) Working knowledge of computer aided structural designing and auto-cad. Age 40 rears (Minimum) 2. Apply with complete Bio-Data, attested copies of testimonials of educationallprofessional qualifications. two passport sise photographs and copy of NIC to be foiwarded to Blrg lkram ur Reflman (Reid) General Manager (Human Resource) Fauji Foundation Head office 68 Tipu Road Chakiala, Rawalpindi Cantt by l5thJuIy2012. 3. Only short listed candidates will be contacted & called for test/interview. 4. Bio dala Form Is available on our web se (Downioads). 5. For any adittional information applicants may contact Telephone Number 051 -5951 821-40) (Extn 1315) Fcìuji Foundation E’rivat. Trusi ix the %dIirc ot hx-Ser:cemn