MAYO Hospital Lahore Requires Senior Medical Registrars (Govt. job)
29-Jun-2012 (Friday) in
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- Senior Registrar Anesthesia
- Senior Registrar Cardiac Surgery
- Senior Registrar Neurology
- Senior Registrar Paed.Medicine
- Senior Registrar Paed.Surgery
- Senior Registrar Psychiatry
- Senior Registrar General Medicine
- Senior Registrar Oncology
- Senior Registrar Neuro Surgery
- Senior Registrar Dermatology
- Senior Registrar Surgery
- Senior Registrar Cardiology
- Senior Registrar Child Psychiatry
- Senior Registrar ENT
- Senior Registrar Chest Surgery
- Senior Registrar Nephrology
- Senior Registrar Urology
- Senior Registrar Radiology
- Senior Registrar Paed.Preventive
- Senior Registrar Oral & Maxilofacial Surgery)
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- Health Care jobs
- Medical Specialists jobs
- Govt. jobs
- Mayo Hospital Lahore jobs
- Government Hospital jobs
- Medical Registrar jobs
MAYO HOSPITAL, LAHORE SITUATION VACAN Tt applications rappoinÙientson. adhoc basis against the fdkming vacant posts in Mayo Hospital. Lahore) are invited. The Candidates fulfdling the presolbed quak cation!aiteria as shown against each category of post should apply along with attested Photoœpèes of their testimonials (from Pric oertificate to onward along with Domde and N.l.C) and ther applications should must readied rthisoffice upto2l-07-201 2. S. # Name of Posts Vacant I Senior RegistrarAnesthesša BS-1 8 09 2 Senior Registrar Cardiac Surgery BS-1 8 02 3 SernorRegistrarNeurologyBS-18 02 4 Senior RegistrarPaed. Medicine BS-18 06 5 Senior Registrar Paed. Surgery BS-1 8 04 6 Senior Registrar Psychiatry BS-18 02 7 SeniorRegistrarGeneralMedicine 04 8 Senior RegistrarOncology 03 9 SeniorRegistrarNeuroSurgeryBS-18 01 10 SeniorRegistrarDermatologyBS-18 01 11 SeniorRegistrar(Surgery)BS-18 01 12 Senior Registrar(Cardiology) 02 13 SeniocRegistrar Child Psychiatry) 01 14 Senicr Registrar (E:N.T) 02 15 SeniOr Registrar Chest Surgery) 02 16 Senior Restrar(Nephrology) 02 17 Senior Registrar(Urology) 02 18 SeniorRegistrar(Radology) 01 19 Senior Reg strar( Paed Preventive) 01 20 Senior Registrar (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) 01 49 Qualification MBBS OR Equivalent medical qualification reœgoedbythePMDC (here in aflermentioned ascound)with the ng stgaduate quakflcation o(dero(. pre(erenœ MS FCPS FRCSftRcPftMDS respectively m the relevant sut*dorother equivalent qui ication bythe The reauitmentf selection shall be made purely on adhoc basis. Only recognized quai flcation ri ardanœ with regulations of Pakistan Medical& Dental Council equivalenœ. Wany. approved by PM&DC shall also be considered. The candidates are required to bñng their onginal aedentials/doaiments with them at the time of interview. An application fomi c be obtained from Gazetted Section. Mav Hospital Lahore.- In-Complete appcation mi and without required doo.iments. w notbeconsidered. Note:- I. The numberof posts mentioned against each category can be increasedfdeaeased at the time of interview accxxding to theavadabdityof posts. 2. Interview cal will be issued to the ehgb!e candidates lateron. DR. ZAHID PERVAIZ MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT 25T045 MAYO HOSPITAL, LAHORE IPL-8964