PMAS-UAAR (Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agricultural University) Requires Admin, Technical Staff and Lower Scale Staff (Govt. job)
28-Jun-2012 (Thursday) in
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- Driver
- Driver (Khushab Campus)
- Blacksmith
- Lab. Attendant
- Library Attendant
- Lab. Attendant (Khushab Campus)
- Naib Qasid
- Khadum
- Chowkdiar
- Female Security Guard
- Mali (Khushab Campus)
- Beldar
- BeeKeeper
- Cattle Attendant (Khushab Campus)
City / Location:
- Jobs in Rawalpindi
- Jobs in Khushab Campus
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- PMAS-UAAR jobs
- Arid University Rawalpindi Jobs
- Barani University jobs
- Govt. jobs
- PMAR-UAAR Khushab Campus jobs
- UAAR Khushab Campus Jobs
- Beekeepr jobs
- Driver jobs
- Female jobs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IL 12 13 14 Is Driver (B S-4) .; Driver (BS-4) Khushab Campis Blacksmith (BS-) Lab.Ancadant (BS- 1) Library Atteudant(BS-l) Lab. A tte udant (BS-1)-XhushabCampus Naib Qasid (BS-1) Waterman (BS-I) Khadum (BS-1) Cbowkidar (BS-i). Fcmale Security Guard (BS4) Mail (BS-1)-Kbusbab Campus Beldar (BS-’l) Beçkeeper (BS-1) Cattle Attendant (Be-I) Khushab Campus 1 I I 8’ 2 2 3 1 1.. 4 8 I Secondary School Certific*te from a recognized Board alongwith qualified motor car driving license preferably with a license to drive both heavy & light vehicles Secondary School Certificate from a recognized Board alongwith qualified motor car driving license preferably with a license to drive both heavy .& light vehicles Primary pass with 2 to 3 years of experience in the relevant trade. : Secondary School Certificate with Scince from a recognhted Board ‘.‘ Secondary School Certificate with Scince subject at least 2nd Division Secondary School Certificate with Scince frnm a recognized Board PÑuaryPass . . Literate Literate with some understanding of Islam_____________ Literate. Preference will be given to Ex-army men . literate with good Physique. Literate. literate ;. ...... Secondary School Certificate at least 2nd Divislòn with :ofle.Ycar ezperemce asBeeKeeper’ ... ‘... “... . literate with good physiqoe :,, .. . Ii ARID AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, RAWALPINDI I SITUATIONS VACANT:. Applications are invited from the Pakistani Nationals for the following poslilions:- . ________ ______ S Name of the Posts . No. of . Eligibility Criteria ‘I Posts ‘‘ . ,. 1. Application forms can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar on cash payment of Rs.100t OR may be downloaded from University website ( and it can be submitted a]ongwith the Bank draft amounting to Rs.100I- in favour of the Treasurer of the University. 2. The applications complete in all respects including attested copies of the degrees! ceriificates, MC, recent Passport size photographs and the certifiàate of experience, if any, should reach the Office of the Registrar of the University by 3,7.2012. 3. The applicants must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 35 years of age on the closing date. 4. Applicants already working in Government, serni-Govrnment and Autonomouš Bodies are required to produce the NOC of their employers. Advanced copy of application will not be entertained. 5. Only short listed catididates be called for the Test & interview. 6. No. TAIDA will be pæd for the purpose. 7. The University reserves the rights not to fill any post or withhold appointment agains any post without assigning any reason. Registrar Ph: +92-51-9290466, Fax: +92-51-9290459, +92-51-9290160, E-Mail:,pk IP L-8967 URL: 2 1 I