Teaching Job at Sky School System
21-Jun-2012 (Thursday) in
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- Class Teacher (Female)
- Fine Arts Teacher (Female)
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- Teaching jobs
- Female Teacher jobs
KVIEHOOL SYSTEM ¡[FACHEAS REOUIBED Vacancies available are as follows: SM veunc N. of I OSI% IIniinum QosJifleatlcen Fzpcrienrc I Cias.. Teaclwr ([cina k I 4 (irath;ittcin tri siIeìst rn of the followng stthject..: EnIish, Mathematics. Psychology or IslimiI. Atk:i..t ? years of tcxhnij experience with stnrng EngIii.h omttrnni.atioa ski Ils. ¿ Mcntcssswi ir.rncd lc;Khcri will 1e prelcrwd,) 2 Fine 4rts Teacher ([cina k I BA Two years of relcscni c.xprieiwc. For further dctails Cccl free to contact the following: 1) Hussain Ashraf 0332-2220666