Management Jobs at Punjab Agriculture & Meat Company (Owned by the Government of Punjab) (Govt. job)
18-Jun-2012 (Monday) in
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- Plant Manager
- Meat Processing Manager
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- Management jobs
- Govt. jobs
- Government jobs
- Punjab Agriculture & Meat Processing Comopany jobs
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Punjab Agrlculwro a Meal Company (ownod b the Govommont of the Punjab, rogistorod under Section 4201 the Companies Ordinance 1984 as Not for Profit Organization) intends to recruit the following po&tlons. Positions { Qualification I Experience Bachelor Degree In Engineering having at least lo years experience in Development and I Plant Manager 01 Execution of Plant & Equipment in compliance 50 Years with established industry norms. The Candidates having Project Management Professional Certification will be preferred. Master degree ¡n Veterinary Sciences with basic Meal Processing degree of DVM, having at least 10 years relevant 2 Manager 01 experience. The candidates having HACCP 50 Years training will be preferred. Detailed Job TORs are available on company’s website. Salary Package shall be market basod ¡ Negotiable (on (ho basIs of qualification. experience & skills). Applications duly filled on the prescribed format (download from ofong with CV & testimonials should be submitted by hnnd or through cotirlor latest by 3rd July, 2012, (5:30) at (ho bolow mentioned addross. The Govt. servants are required Lo submit their applications through proper channel. Salary packages of such . applicants shalt be determined as per Government policy. The position applied for, should be clearly mentioned on the envelope. Sr. Manager Admin & HR Punjab Agriculture & Meat Company (Formorly Lahoro Meat Company) 518 ShaheenComplex, Egerton Road, Laho Ph: 042-36370661-2 , 042- 99205436-8