Consultant Required by Gwadar Port Authority (Govt. job)
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- Gwadar Port Authority jobs
- Government jobs
- Consultant jobs
- Govt. jobs
- Ministry of Ports & Shipping jobs
GORVERNMENTOFPAKISTAN ¡ Gwadar Port Authority ¡ (Ministry of Ports & Shipping) ‘ APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT! FOR THIRD PARTY VALIDATION I VETTING DESIGN! 1. Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) Ministry of Ports and Shipping, Government of Pakistan intends to engage the Consultancy services of reputable firms having experience and expertise ¡n planning and design of off-shore I On-shore road for third party validation I vetting design of “Expressway on East Bay of Gwadar Port” starting from Gwadar Port to Makran Costal Highway of approx: 18.9Km ¡n length. 2. RFP I Bidding Document may be obtained during working hours from the office of undersigned on payment of non-refundable cost of Rs. 1000/- ¡n shape of pay order I Bank Draft in favour of Gwadar Port Authorfty. 3. Technical and Financial Proposals in separate sealed envelopes (Marked as Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal) must reach the office of undersigned by on or before 2nd July 2012. 4. The selection shall be made on Quality and Cost Based Selection Method as per PPRA rules. 5. The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals subject to relevant Provisions of PPRA rules. Executive Engineer (Civil) Gwadar Port Authority Head Office, Port Road at Gwadar Port OR Executive Engineer (Civil) Gwadar Port Authority Camp office, at 06 sunny site villas ¡ PID (K) # 3369/11 Bleak House Road, Karachi . . . • a a . . . . II.III..J