Lecturers and Marton Required at Sadiq Public School
10-Jun-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Lecturer (Male/Female) Physics
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Chemistry
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Biology
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Mathematics
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Pak.St
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Geography
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Computer St.
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Islamiyat
- Lecturer (Male/Female) English
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Economics
- Lecturer (Male/Female) Urdu
- Marton (Female)
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- Sadiq Public School jobs
- Teaching jobs
- Lecturer jobs
- Female jobs
- Private School jobs
SADIO PUBLIC SCHOOL BAHAWALPU B HIOB OPPORTUNITIES Applications are invited from experienced and qualified candidates for the following posts: LECTURER: (Male/Female) (BS-17+Perks) • Physics • Chemistry • Biology • Mathematics . Pak.St •Geography ComputerSt. • Islamiat •ish •Economics •Urdu • M.AIM.Sc• Proficiency in spoken English . Teaching experience (preferably O-A Level) I MATRON: (Female) (BS-15+Perks) I . Graduate with good spoken English skills • Limited family liabilities • Required to live in hostel for students • Respunsible for looking after Bodrder5 I Age between 45 to 50 years (Relaxable) BENEFITS SPS Allowance. CPF. AccommodationlHouse Rent. Subsidized Tuition Fee for Children. Medical. . Duly filled in application form available on our website www.sps.edu.pk along with attested copies of testimonialslcertificates, C.N.I.C, one recent Photograph and a demand draft of Rs.5001-as non-refundable processing fee, ¡n favour of the Principal should reach the undersigned by post or by courier service latest by June 18,2012 . Incomplete or online applications will not be entertained Only short listed candidates will be called for Test! InterviewfDemonstrationi’Medical. • Candidates called for Test! Interview etc. will not be entitled for TA!DA. Ph: 062.2877692-4 Fax: 062.28802291 Principal Email: principal@sps.edu.pk