Office Supporting and Technical Staff Required at Bureau of Statistics (Planning & Development Department) (Govt. of Sindh job)

08-Jun-2012 (Friday)  in  The Nation  
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  • Senior Scale Stenographer
  • Assistant
  • Computer Operator
  • Junior Scale Stenographer
  • Statistical Assistant
  • Draftsman
  • K.P.V.O
  • Photographer
  • Junior Clerk
  • Proof Reader
  • Telephone Operator
  • Plate Maker
  • Proof Reader
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Sindh
  • Jobs in Karachi
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Office Supporting and Technical Staff Required at Bureau of Statistics (Planning & Development Department) (Govt. of Sindh job)
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  • Government of Sindh jobs
  • Steno jobs
  • Telephone Operator jobs
  • Bureau of Statistics jobs
  • Statistical jobs
flOS-lilS).ZiU.V1l2 Kara). Dosed. Sidi lac »12
Application. soiled lion. d.adIk eandahiles Asne.’okd e S..dh lot
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Onninia Grade. Lspcnence. Place nlbenuormlc’ I’RC (maiqkac Postai Address
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their arçdicstme.n lhenngh Proper charnel In conçdeoe application, swill sol be
2% mpaMt n ce’.erwd so dndr4c perses aorotdnp ‘o .mak.
tIchan and Reid pari. Ml°’s ad «P. “IbIs. folleared senedy
No T SI) k s’Il he dh,wed Its test. buen ars nljna’scy
PlOT 50.13. BI.0CK.48, (1101 DII Ski
kII4I,FEQIEJÀ%lkN RO SD, k sk Ill PlI: 99216677