Join Pakistan Navy as a Male Doctor (On Contract) (Govt. job)
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- Pakistan Navy jobs
- Doctor jobs
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- Medical jobs
— / ,_, PAKISTAN NAVY IALE DOCTORS REQL’IREDOE% CONTRACT B’tSIS , .sfhtaL ,lt”thlwt, bleu ieasll Dilatar Gtnr’.l Sc.*a. Na.l iIea)urln.. ldendlaJ. flor wktni ChIP. edt beAn lo .aie el Pet. else éz nUeraS fljIs htcdet.sI 011ko, 1011MO, eI •IIIN 4e (N? ‘OtILE flijfllElo,i li N.nie Nie. kvh pan os penols enea..? h.. Ap4eeflien ine la.. eat. iaelan of l.Ja.n .*fliliep .eeat. n.h Df5tS iNI, brai Iteaialn lelosatai b, Zu.le..Z012 thaepalih lbal canead çt.ataspn .1 %S1I$ r)evet fleo flfl M.tnwm (‘ewlcale. reennn(’tnlIken. i3Jalclk Uaiøkac. Canfluond Naietai lal.a tad ad liera flvpwt ate -‘ I NaNinatey . Paijiroer Z OaMtSn? (Ihegrated S flacopizec 3 Eepflnca . 01 pee house t 4 02 pera nemes. ewmnsnc. as Medird OScar b, regeflatsi hcaspdabtlnc. Eapeona or PM. Navy .1 gaie preferue.. 4dpe . 2hpreaatsopaas 5 Psp LAk.a.tas . FF517 alO? bne Sene?ln a idead. t I tenants by flee Onoammeet Pensas.’ Gratuity etc. ar. eel adreiuaibla Satnica acto.odaliOee wu not be peceidid lo aöednd appérweeb S Proslaclal Quota br Silicua.: qrj . 75% IGrpbePK - 11.5% Puqab 50% OSuhnWr - 0% Sf1. ‘0% NAÇATA 4% lUitae-40%l Ait - 3% Rural - i llIleVrlfållsl .aeaiwe CIel ream ruc.a.e.1 .5w n., awe a. nul be caneced DIrecte. Gerteal Mescal Serslun (Navy) Naval Naaqatan. lelnabad