Management job at Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) (Govt. job)
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- Management jobs
- Government of Punjab jobs
PUNJAB SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FUND __ CAREER OPPORTUN!TY _ Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) is a not-for-profit company established by ovemment of the Punjab in collaboration with Department for International Deveoprnent, UK. Our aim is to inprove income generation opportunities of the poor 8 vulnerable population in selected districts of Punjab by enabling skills development through promotion of a competitive skills training market. PSDF is looking for energetic & motivated professional for the following position based ¡n Bahawalpur: Manager Monitoring) . Establish an effective monorlng and evaluation mechanism; . Prepaie work plans of monitoring & evaluaUon team; . Develop the ToRs for selecting and engaging third party monitoring service providers; . Design functional specifications and requirements of a system to gather and maintain information about trainees during and after training monitonng; . Assess the performance of third party monitoring organizations; . Organise and manage the evaluation of thirti party firm repcrts and monthly progress reports . Maintain a liaison with the service providers to ensure Implementation of contractual provisions . Conduct field vi5it, a id when required, to the monitcring ac,tivitie of rnonitor5 and training provider, Education and Experience) Masters of Business Administration or Bachelor of Engineering or Masters in Economics from HEC- recognized institution. 8 years’ experience of iorking on Monitoring and Evaluations in codal sector projects; monitoring experience in skil/educationì related projects will be an asset; Must have superior 1l• skills. Market-based remuneration will be offered to successful candidate. For more details on job description Please visit our website: c Please e-mafl your application at The request should include an up-to-date CV that clearly sets your suitability for the position. Kindly specify The posÍon in the subject line of e-mail Only electronic apications will be accepted aid short hsted candidates will be contacted. . • , The dosing date for submission of applications is 10th June, 2012. ____________________ A company set up under sectIon 420f the Companies OrdInance 1984 PUNJAB -‘ o_,_.. ..