Teaching and Administration Staff Required at King Edward Medical University/Mayo Hospital
20-May-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Associate Professor in Preventive Ophthalmology
- Assistant Professor in Preventive Ophthalmology
- Glaucoma Specialist
- Director Administration
- Community Ophthalmologist
- Epidermiologist
- Research Post
- Comeal Specialist
- IOL Bank/Comeal Bank Manager
- Orthoptist
- Computer Operator
- Librarian
- Wet Lab Assistant
- Ophthalmic Technician
- storekeeper
- Paediatric Ophthalmologist
- Comeal Specialist
- Viteoroetinal Specialist
- Glaucoma Specialist
- Community Ophthalmologist
- Epidemiologist
- Research Post
- Programme Officer
- Refractionist
- Ophthalmic Technician
- Driver
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Name of Post with pay scale Assooate Professoc Prevene Qpmogy (BS.19) 2. Assistant Professor Preventive cmoçy (BS.18) 3. Giauœma SaIEsI (BS18) 4: Diredor AdmirntraUon (BS .18) Comeel Spec4akst !.18) g iot. Bank1Come Bank Marager (BS-17 lo Olhopbst (BS.17) 11 CompuierOperalor (6$-12) 12 bbraflan(BS-l1) 13 Wet La,Assisant 8S•11) 14. Instrument A.ssLant (8$-11) 15. Oplihmic Techmdan (8$-9) Comed Specabst (8$-18) 6. Epdenilologist (6$-18) I) According lo Pakts Medical a Dental CouncWs nies & regulations frr As,tj( Professor (Oplilhalmoogy) I) According k Paktst Mecal g Dental Courals nies & requIaton for ASSiStant Professor (Oø,thalrnoagy) ii) Post Fekwship trftng n Gucoma î) MBBS or eqtsvalent quificans recognized by the Pakistan Medical & DcctaI Coundi ï) Masters in any of (he IoHorig fields from a recognzed hsthuion: a. b d. l4osoital AmnsVatcnI Management (MI4A or lHM) ) MBBS or eqJvaIent quaifications recogred by the Pakistan Medical a Dental Council ) M.Sc (Communy OphImogy) I) MBBS or eqvelent qualifications recognized by the Pakistan Me&al g Dental Council ) M,P’II in Corunay Medióne with Majors i Ep.oeméology OR ¡p) M.Sc in Epidemiotoq u MBBS or equivalent qualifications reœgrzed by the Pakist Medical & Dental Council il) MSiTCPSIFRCS Othalmotogy or equivalent qua’ifications recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council OR ii) MPH! MSc (ComrnuMy Eye Health)i M Sc Epideniology I) McordWig lO Pakistan Med;cal 8. Dental Codls nies g regulatons forAssistant Professor (Ophthalmology) ï) Pcst Feowship trawiing in Corneal ea I) MBBS or euNa1ent quæfications recognized by the Pakistan Medical 8. DenIal Council j) 8.Sc. (Hon) Vision Sciences In Orihoptics ï) Postiraduate qu&ðicaxri would be prelerred ij PCS.or j) bitermediate wii cecbflcale in MS oMce. seiri Ldxa lrttorrnation Scences (MUS) I) MB8Sorequ.valent Quakflcabons by the Pakistan Mecbcal 8. Dental Cowica “1 MPhIPPnCOmmLIIiIy Medi&ie wtth Maors in Epidemiology OR la) M.Sc m Epidemiology I) M88Sorequivalert qualificatiom recognred by the Pakistan Me&aI A Dental Coundi ii) MS.FCPSIFRCS Ophthalmology or equivalent quaIflcation reœIzed by the Palistan Medical 8. Dental Council OR il) MPH/MSc (Comunity Eye HeaIIWMSc Epidemiology Masters Degree in Social Sciences/ Put: Health Aiirst,atiorÆœnoriiicsl MBAIMPAIHRM (rom a recognized university I) B.ScVisionSciencas (Refractiontsl) from a recognized Unàvers1y/ Institution OR u) B Sc (Hen) ViÀr.m Sciences (Opmetry) from a recogr.zed Univers4y I) FSc (If F.Sc not avatable then Mali-ic wth at least 50% aggregate ma& in Science sub) ) Ophthalmic tecdan doma. I) Middle iooi œrlÝflcate prom a recognized school I) Holdero(vaIidLTV& HTV &vers hcense. Accoidwig to Pakjtan Me&al 8. Dental Coijica s rules 8. regulations . li) Expeilerce preventive ophthalmology wI be preferred. kcordlng to Pakisti Medical 8. Dental Counofs nies 8. regutaons Two years exenca m the relevant eld Putibc Health (MPH) PubticMns1rauor (tAPA) Human Resource ministrabon (MI-IRA) Two yws experience ai Preventive Ophthalmology after pos-graduabon. At ‘east Iwo years eiiperlence ¡ð the field of Epidemiology One year experience In Op!ithalmology alter MBBS Relevant ecpenenœ *ill be Preferred One year expenœ In libiwy Compute Literate pèrson will be weterred One year of woflung experience in Eye OT 01 assistant. Oria year al wor ence In Eye OT as OT ass4stani Expenence of woilUng m Ophthalmology ii a reputed kisblution wdl be preferred Experience n Max Three years practical experience i Ophthakiiology at a recognized Institution after post-graduation Three years pracbcal experience wi OpIthalmoIogy _rn e rec*griized Institution after post-graduation Three years praccal experience wi Ophthalmology in a recognized Institution after post-graðuabon Three years practical experience i OphthaIm