Sales and Marketing jobs
20-May-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Area Sales Manager
- Sales/Database Coordinator
- Showroom Product Advisor
- Corporate Sales Executive
- Showroom Accountant
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- Marketing jobs
- Executive jobs
A l estabshed csbutor cl r1d rencwed icoRt1&o consumer products has lie ng openngs: AREA SALES MANAGER: Canchdales hav 5-10 s expenenœ Äth nwirnum quthcabon c* Grajal,on!MBA m Managing nels!D I&aided Slores Ses or Ses cl FMCGII.TiHorne appka’œs/Consumer durable products. SAIÆSIDATABASE COORDINATOR: Candidates haWig nininum 1 yeer expenenœ in Database ManagementISes CocrdWiaton m FMCG1DeaIer Channe enWonment may app’y pbcant mtst be proficient n Pv Excel arid Database Management softres, SHOWROOM PRODUCT ADVISORS: Candidates hang expenenœ n RetIIShowoorn ses enwonment may ply. These pcibons are based n our Branded Retal shooa r KaracN, Latiore, blaniabad, RawpEd, Mitan, Fabad, Sargodha. Bawaur and Guanwa CORPORATE SALES EXECUTIVE: Candidates hang at least 1 ar expeflenœ cl seihig products œranes and gocnment organizabons may pÍy. SHOWROOM ACCOUNTANT: Candidates haWig experience of acxojits 5eld with nWwnum quatficabon of BCom. Please pIy with current pbclogrh at humarwesource@ppecorm