SITUATIONS VACANI Applécaflons ale Invited for appointment to th. following vacant posts In a public sector organizallon In Punjab on contract basis. Candidates fulillUng the folowlmg qualificatloris/ezperlence may apply. DasIgiratlon Quallttcalor 6 Lipinanc. Ag. Um* as on dmSig . of tbaA,,-.s NO. of Potts Aaszstant tr.ctor Social W.If.t.) 1W5171 A M.sleri d,.ree in ocid Wor*orSocIoiovfrom wi HEC recognised uniseinty onus one pear Diploma In Infomsatian Tedinoloy/ Certificate bi Computer Ie.ViÕrs%I Cirtilicae w. MS Otlice, Minimum 3 lo S pears adrianistratise cipeliance. prefreibly .a cc.aI sector organization. 9.ould posses,nt man.menc sbs Upe 45 bears 06 Personal Aw,tant l%P%-13126] Graduation edli st,artnind and tpeing tp.idcø tOOISOwo in UpS. 45 bears 03 06 Asfigeril Complaint fSF$.14) Gradjate ko,,, an uSC recognized un.lsðv with on. pear Diploma In inkrr,sal,on nch,soIoes/Centdtcat. in Computie A pieiationqrtðicit. in MS Ortice. Minimum one prat anperlence. Must passers tpe speed of atl.ast 50 * pm and proficiency lo m.P.g. f Urdir co.n 4. MSupr’v,sor (SPS-14) Gradirate tram an lIC recognized iznirentv and compiler Merite UØtø4Sprait 1) Mae Qeed 15eS-01f Prvnaip Upe as pean Cteuðssidae lSP%.OI) Pr.mår5 UpS. 4% bean 01 Miii wo» Pr.mwp UptOt55teatS 01 1) Applications should be accompanied by detailed CYS alOng with attested copies of CNIC. don,icde, degrees/cetlilicates. espenence certificates and 2 recent pbotograptma Also mention your Tehial n your CV. 2) lndicateeaperience gained in a regular full time paid ‚ob. 3) wornen masorities. special persons are encouraged to apply. Regional. Provincial and other quotas will be observed as per rules. 4) The Competent Authority reserves th, right to increase/decrease the number of posts. S) In cas.. of selection of any retired government employee her/his pay pickgc will be determined asper gouernmeest poly. 6) Relaxation In age will begrven as per organization’s own rules. 7) Separate applications may be submitted foreach post. S) Only slsorthsted candidates will be called for interspew and no YA/DA will be paid tothe candidates, 9) Government employees may apply through proper channel and also send an advancecopy. 10) Selected candidates will be required to serve preferably n their own domiciled Tehc,l 11) Applications complete in all respects should reach the following address within 15 days of the publication of this advertisement, Note: Neme ol9me post should be clearly mentioned oes the rJit side olthe envelop. Mislnfo,ntation and any attempt to Influence the selection process will be considered a definite disqualifIcation for current as well as future recruitment in the organization, even if the candidate is otherwise qualified. X to IDO’ (OSJCATSOP4 Smi il Dtewjtarbfca. No’ Min.ol Sttedn basi, pl Nord 5mai., MeSs it ¡‘5 SIS NU I . Sire., Dspzr,vrr RO. Box No. 600 GPO, Lahore. 38X3