Educational Team Required at Balochistan University of Information Technology (Govt. job)

16-May-2012 (Wednesday)  in  Dawn  
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  • Director, ORIC
  • Deputy Director, Research Operations and Development
  • Deputy Director, University-Industry Linkages
  • Assistant Director
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Balochistan
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Educational Team Required at Balochistan University of Information Technology (Govt. job)
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  • University jobs
  • BUITEMS jobs
Vacancy Announcement
Joui (li e d\Nnanhic ü&iTi&hïfte aiit
Balochistan University of Information Technology1 Engineering & Management Sciences
is a public sector university with an enrollment of over 5400 students ¡n 38 programs of
studies. BUITEMS seeks services of qualified and experienced researchers for its
“Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC)” for the following positions.
— Director ORIC 7BPS 20»
PhD with at Ieas iS years of experience as Professors Proven record of continuous activity and achevement as a senior
rpe(cIwi with ¿t) s11)ISl’ei1 flJJtIflS O tnternatiopal orgritation, DemonstrítecI atÑhty lo work c.onstructkvely and productively with
stakeholders in the university and the community at large.
__________ Deputy Director, Research Operations and Development (BPS 18)
Requirements j 5 wars of experience or MS .ìth 7 years of expetience or MSLJMA/MBA with 10 years of eperIenc.e; as
a reseircher a rtcord of winning developing research pioposals and attracting funding for research. eceIknt nterpersonl and communication
skills, strong ccnmnunity reLations and know!edge of the needs and interest. of corpoate and ¡ndiiidual donors. Should have lamihanty
with functions ol the university and with relevant government agencies.
______ Deputy Director,_University-industry Unkages (BPS 18)
Requìremeiits__ PhD with 5 years of experience or MS with 7 years al eAperience or MSc/MA/MBA with 10 years ot experience; in working
with busines5 and industry on research projects; knowledge o, current models and best practices ol university-Industry relat:ons and public-private
partnerships, 1amlflarlt with issues oítehnologytransfer. intelIectul property andcommercializatlon ofuniverity research: experience in dealing
wèth relevant agencies of tJ1t gnvtrnment of Pakistan and the provincial as well as local government; strong linkages with the local and national
business and corporate community.
Assistant Director (BPS 17)
— —
— —
Requirements ‘ MSc/MA/MBA with at least 3 years of research experience.
How to apply
+ Appcahon mU$t be $ubmiftc’i on prscribedErnploymn1 Forrnavaitable at urwersit webstte : wwv
4. A Ç1•i1IIKJ cj,aft for s (flot rtwidabl) &wn m ?avoiJ’ of Diiector Finance eVITEMS Quetta. rnu b enclosed with the appcabons or can b d.positei
through Bank chabn in HBL binch BLJITEMS Takatu campuClty campus.
0 Please attacii CV, three recent photographs. localtdom(c4e. CNIC attestð ptótocopes ofafl the educational degrees’transcr:pts ana oilier testimonlats
4. Eapetlence Ceiti&ates es per CV must be attached with application
. Candidates already k service must apy ttvough proper channel and are required to aliach No Objection Certificate with application
+ The œmpeter4 euthonty reeres the rbghtlo cancel eny or aU ofthe above poset»ns.
ab Teslinterview wdl be held at BUITEMS Guetta and No TAIDA Is edmiàb.
. Incomplete applications at application5 wslhout demand drahthallan and N O.C (Il case otcandtdates already in senace) shall not be accepted
4, Only ihort listed candidates will be lnv(ed 9D Tes*lnl.iview.
4. Last dale br subnilssbn of appIìct)on is 31 May. 2012
2RCGSVI’ Prof. Dr, iohammad Na,z .. Balochistan University of Information ngineeríng 8
Management Sciences (BUITEMS).
Takatu Campus BaleliAirPort Road, Quotte. UAN +92-81’111717•111. Tel: 0812880624(Ext: 120 • 123) Fax: O812881O43
---J F