Management jobs in a Public Sector Organization
13-May-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Commercial & Services Officer
- Legal Assistant
- Chief Performance Officer
- Chief Technical Officer
- Chief Legal Officer
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- Public Sector jobs
- Finance jobs
- Accounting jobs
ÇHIEFFINANCIAL OFFICE1) Qualification: A professional Accounting qualification like CA or CPA with strategic Business and Financial knowledge of the Power Sector. ExperlencelResponsibllities: 2025 years Finance and Accounting experience ¡n a leadership role. Will be responsible for: u Finance/Accounting/Treasury R Financing/Funding . Business Plannîng!Forecasting I Financial Reporting & SECP filings Candidates with knowledge of state of the art ERP Financial and MIS systems and their strategic application in the Power Sector will be Preferred. HIEF COMMERCIAL & SERVICES OFFICERD Qjjflcation: An Engineering degree, preferably a Masters in Engineering from abroad. ExperlencelResponsibillties: 20-25 years experience in leadership roles in engineering Supply Chain, HSE, HR, and Admin functions of Public and Multi National Private Companies. Will be responsible for: I Technical Procurement/Inventory Management I Human Resource Development/Recruitment . Health, Safety & Environment function . Administration Candidates with global exposure & experience in the above functions, ¡n setting up and auditing HSE 8 Management systems and in ERP implementation will be preferred. i.EGAL ASSISTANT Qualification: A master’s level Law degree validated by the Law Society and The Bar Council. ExperienŒlRespgnsibilities: 24 years expeñence in assisting in legal matters of public and private sector power companies. Have knowledge of relevant contracts and agreements. (CHIEF PERFORMANCE OFFICER) Qualification: An Engineering degree, preferably a Masters in Engineering from abroad, po1Respnsibilies 1 520 years of running Thermal Generation Plants with a track record of leading Performance Teams. Will be responsible for. I Heat Rate, Efficiency . KPIs Implementation . Predictive Maintenance . R&DlAutomatìon w Energy Conservation Candidates must have analytical skills and thorough knowledge of parameters and indicators stated above. ÇHIEF TECHNICAL OFFICER) Qualification: An Engineering, preferably a Masters in Engineering and/or an MBA from abroad. perJenceiespojsibiIities; 20-25 years expenence of developing and construction of Power Projects. Will be responsible for: I Project Construction and rehabilitation I Conversion to cheaper fuels . Project Financing and agreements management (CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER) QußijjÇio! A master’s level Law degree validated by the Law Society and The Bar Council, preferably a Barrister or an Attorney. ExperiencelResponsibilities: 1 5-20 years experience ¡n handling legal matters of public and private sector power companies. Will be responsible for: R Corporate & contractual Law . Corporate restructuring I Litigation and negotiation of various agreements . Corporate Secretary Salary Package:j Compensation and benefits for all positions shall be market competitive. Interested candidates should send their CV along with a recent photograph within three weeks of publication of this advertisement to the following address: HR Department, P.O. Box 1722, G.P.O. Islamabad 44000 or email it to: No TA/DA shall be provided for the interviews A4 p,