Medical Teaching jobs at Allama Iqbal Medical College
10-May-2012 (Thursday) in
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- Associate Professor for Pharmacology
- Associate Professor for Physiology
- Associate Professor for Pathology
- Associate Professor for Anatomy
- Associate Professor Clinical Cardiac Surgery (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical Anesthesia (2)
- Associate Professor Clinical Plastic Surgery (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical Psychiatry (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical Pulmonology (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical Ophtalmology (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical Cardiology (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical Nephrology (1)
- Associate Professor Clinical General Surgery (2)
- Associate Professor Clinical Dermatology (1)
- Assistant Professor for Anatomy (2)
- Assistant Professor for Physiology (1)
- Assistant Professor for Pharmacology (1)
- Assistant Professor for Biochemistry (2)
- Assistant Professor for Forensic Medicine (2)
- Assistant Professor Clinical Plastic Surgery
- Assistant Professor Clinical Oncology
- Assistant Professor Clinical Vascular Surgery
- Assistant Professor Clinical Orthopedics
- Assistant Professor Clinical Cardialogy (2)
- Assistant Professor Clinical ENT
- Assistant Professor Clinical Paed
- Assistant Professor Clinical Neuro Surgery
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- Medical jobs
- Medical Teaching
- Hospital jobs
ALLAMA IQBAL MEDiCAL COLLEGE ! JINNAH HOSPITAL LAHORE iPORTUÑiY Applications are invited from the Punjab domiciled suitable candidates for the following posts at Allama lqbal Medical College I Jinnah Hospital, Lahore on the prescribed form which is available in the Admin, Block, AIMC. The posting will be on adhoc basis for a period of one year, which will be extendable subject to satisfactory performance I non availability of the candidates selected by PPSC Name of Post BS Age Qualification 8 Experience — . MBBS or equivalent medical qualifications fully recognized/registered by the PM&DC . PM&DC reco9nized level JI b and level Ill Associate Professor Qualification in the respective specialty approved for Basic Medical Sciences teaching by SRC and recognized/registered by -Pharmacology(1) 19 PM&DC -Physiology(1) . Five years teaching experience as an Assistant -Pathology(1) Professor in the relevant subjects -Anatomy (1) ,: • A total of at least 03 research papers publications are required. Only an original article published in a .; medical journal approved by the PM&DC shall be : acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis shall not be counted. — . MBBS or equivalent medical Qualifications recognizedlregistered by the PM&DC Associate Professor • PM&DC level-Ill qualification in respective subject Clinical . . like FCPS/M,SIM D OR -Cardiac Surgery( 1) -Anaesthesia(2) • Other equivalent level-Ill qualifications in the -Plastic Surgery(1) specialty approved by SRC and -Psychiatry(1) 19 30-50 recognized/registered by the PM&DC. -Pulmonology(1) . Five years teaching experience as an Assistant -Ophthalmology(1) Professor in the relevant subject. . A total of at least 03 research papers publications . General Surgery (2) are required. Only an original article published in a -Dermatology (1) medical journal approved by the PM&DC shall be acceptable. Dissertation/Thesis shall not be counted. . MBBS or equivalent medical qualifications fully Assistant Professor recognizedlregistered by the PM&DC. Basic Medical Sciences • &c recognizei level II b and level Ill qualification -Anatomy (2) in resPective specialty approved for teaching by SRC -Physiology(1) 18 25-45 and recognized/registered by PM&DC. -Pharmacology(1) • 02 years teaching experience as demonstrator before -Biochemistry(2) or after level-Il. No experience is required for level-Ill -Forensic Medicine (2) post graduation who can be appointed directly as Assistant Professor . No publication is required, but may receive . I preference in selection. T • ‘“ r • MBBS or equivalent medical Qualifications Assistant Professor Clinical recognizedlregistered by the PM&DC. •.P’:astic Surgery((1) PM&DC level-ill qualification in respective subject -Oncology (1) like FCPSIM.S!M.D OR -Vascular Surgery (1) • Other equivalent level-Ill qualifications in the -Orthopaedics (1) 18 25-45 specialty approved by SRC and -Cardiology (2) recognizeregistere by the PM&DC -Paed (1) . Three years teaching experience in the respective -Neuro Surgery (1) subject as a Senior Registrar in a recognized institution if qualification is general. No. experience is required in case of sub-specialty qualification _____ I . . No pubflcaon isrequired . . LEVELS Leomlng Levels Duration Clinical Medical Quallilcallon Basic Science Qualification Level-I 5-6_years . ____ MBBS . . Level-lb 1yearofterlevel- Diploma Level-Il b 2 year after Level-I MCPS/M.Sc/MSPH/ or other 2 M.PHIL and qualification —-_____ ____ —- - . Level-Ill 4 years after Level- MD/MS/MDS/FCPS/ and FCPS/PhD/ and I qualifications with other qualifications other _____ ____ ____ nomenclatures nomenclatures. ____ Level-lV 2 years after revel- Sub-Specialty Fellowship, D.Sc. or any post PHD III second fellowship. . nomenclature . TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. The appointment shall be made strictly on merit according to the policy of the Government of the Punjab. 2. The application must be accompanie