Teaching & Non-Teaching jobs at Qaud-e-Azam University (Govt. job)
07-May-2012 (Monday) in
The Nation
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- Professor of Computer Science
- Professor of IT (Information Technology)
- Professor of Environment & Plant Sciences
- Professor of Politics
- Professor of IR (International Relations)
- Associate Professor of Law
- Associate Professor of Pharmacy
- Associate Professor of Statistics
- Associate Professor of Anthropology
- Lecturer of IR (International Relations)
- Lecturer of Political Science & Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations)
- Lecturer of Management Sciences
- Lecturer (Asian Civilization)
- Field work Supervisor (Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations)
- Librarian
- Management Research Operations (ORIC)
- Deputy Controller of Examination
- Assistant Director (P & D)
- Assistant Programmer / Operator (TIAC)
- Junior Programmer
- Technical Assistant (Bio Technology)
- Technical Assistant (TIAC)
- Personal Assistant (VC Office)
- Glass Blower (Chemistry)
- Khateeb
- Coach (All-rounder) (Sports)
- Imam
- Technician / Computer Hardware
- Lab Assistant (DSS)
- Computer Lab Assistant (Female)
- Lab Assistant (Environmental Sciences)
- Turner Mechanist
- Electrician
- AC Technician
- WorkMistry
- Director (ORIC)
- Manager Research Development (ORIC)
- Deputy Registrar
- Assistant Controller of Examination
- Superintendent
- Technical Assistant (Plant Sciences)
- Technical Assistant (MBA)
- Technical Assistant (DSS)
- Stenographer
- Assistant
- Field Assistant
- Junior Draftsman
- Periodical/ Acquisition Assistant
- L.D.C
- Lab Assistant (QASMS)
- Lab Assistant (Electronics)
- Check Writer
- Welder
- Painter
- Winder / Electrician
- Auto Electrician
- Deputy Director (P & D)
- Manager University Industry Linkage (ORIC)
- Research Associate (ORIC)
- Scientific Officer (Microbiology)
- Assistant Resident Warden (Male/ Female)
- Technical Assistant (Biochemistry)
- Technical Assistant (Economics)
- Technical Officer (Chemistry)
- Cataloguer/ Classifier
- Steno typist
- Senior Draftsman
- Garden Supervisor
- Store In- charge
- Lab Assistant (Economics)
- Computer Lab Assistant (Mathematics)
- Lab Assistant (Pharmacy)
- Sanitary Superv
City / Location:
- Jobs in Islamabad
- Jobs in Pakistan
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- QAU jobs
- Qaud-e-Azam University Islamabad jobs
- Government jobs
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- Chowkidar jobs
- Warden jobs
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