Professors, Associate Professors and Lecturers required at Shah Abdul Latif University
06-May-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Lecturer
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- Shah Abdul Latif University jobs
CAREER_OPPORTUNITIES Applications are invited from qualified candidates possessing the educational qualification and fulfilling the conditions laid down below. They should apply for the following posts in the Institute of Education of this University on the prescribed application form. If received in person on payment of Rs.1000/- through challan payable in Habib Bank Limited, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur. The application forms are obtainable from the office of the Deputy Registrar (Teach), Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur: __________________ __________________________________ S It Post BPS No. of Posts Advertised I Professor 21 01 2 Associate Professor 20 01 3 Assistant Professor 19 01 4 Lecturer 18 04 MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE S # Position Minimum Qualification Experience MinirnubnI1.ntrnber I Professor PhD in the relevant field from a HEC recognized University/Institute 15-years teaching/research experience in HEC recognized University or a post- graduate Institute or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization, The applicant must have 15 research publications (each in fourcopies) (with atleast05 publications in last 05 years), in HEC recognized journals. 2 AssocIate Professor PhD. in the relevant field from a HEC recognized University/Institute 10 years teaching/research ¡n a HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institute or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or The applicant must have 10 publications (with at least 04 publications ¡n last 05 years), in HEC recognized journals. 3 International Organization. Assistant Professor Master’s degree (Foreign) OR M.PhiI. (Pakistan) OR equivalent degreesawardedafterl8yearsof education as determined by the HEC ¡n the relevant field from a H EC recognized Institution. OR Four (04) years teaching/research experience in a recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization OR Nil PhD. in the relevant field from a HEC recognized University/Institute No Experience required for PhD, holders 4 Lecturer Master degree/BS (4 years Program), (16 Years degree) (First class) in the relevant field from 1-IEC recognized University/Institution, No experience required No 3rd division in the academic career. Nil Nil Furthermore, the candidate with 2nd Division in the Master’s Degree but holding higher degree i.e. M.PhiI./Ph.D. or equivalent degree with 18 years of education could be considered. NOTE: 1. For the above categories applicants already in service should apply through proper channel. 2. The Experience as regular Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor only will be consider towards required experience for the Posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. 3. Applications on the prescribed form showing full particulars along with latest CV, recent photographs, Photostat copies of CNIC, degrees (Marks/Pass) certificates from Matriculation & onwards duly attested by the Gazetted Officer and transcripts, should reach in the office of undersigned on or before 31 .05.2012. 4. Number of vacancies can be increased or decreased. 5. The University reserves the right of cancellation of advertised posts at any stage. 6. Short listing of the candidates shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down by the University. 7. Incomplete form will be summarily rejected. 8. No T.A/D.A will be paid for appearing in the test/interview. Sd/ Registrar Tel. It 0243-9280066, 9280082 PID (H) #11112012