PUNJAB BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION 21•A KASHMIR BLOCK, ALLAMA IOBAL TOWN, LAHORE Ph: 37800188-37800038, E.maiI:secretarypbte,edu.pk Iba, .1 Pooh rAin tŒdTh&LER EZAMv%Ttlo icceacr laps, lei UooedEiiwe Coend u — Mn lk&iC l*LATIQr4 o€ ian—’7 libd.dElØcrofl Cosed u Mn nSISTmT SEcRETMV ItEGILJ l5Pl?) hove Ql(n$c9at Canoa lato ASSOlANT secmonav lPUÆl€NT a ItMHTEIOONCC) lan—,1 Uododtiwêcr.wt CoSida — bas imS(MCH rca W5’i1j hodeQl[.,A,nva Combo — tan Godficodom ¿ EÑnc. EI$*y B ¿cv ¿St liweoroc I r L*eee.efl xnotoho Steno.) nfl st4fl S4* n PSIE MItad taoa Penn MAmut. yin poaesölcatcn tectwç w aridonc beMn’aso tipeidtoi t CranS 010bQOWMnIyCr tUlio reiLare Gaol! SnGrflne Oqenaietapoma Body A Ibavsaoo45 yton b 01fl045...4 _4 Ea(ey l.bew r a Co,nocn’ Jouai-4es we4 dagie (cetro. MAnu baei adciidcabe oitbe.oma caro n eo Gait) Sn Cool nn Opwam f toen Body. 19 MAnna’ 35 es boxee .,,i*.. Eageey U B .anlrdae*iio, (seiaraa MAne taa Øtl pod g.dkSo. fl_S e A 1nnbovflo4.,-.L.-o [t$ey ISA IW%) MAS libar • blat Giedy V bi flK1 taS»rart cefi Boiodnbso, Beni Os. neiagr’eoa al te — (cetro MAnu b.es pod tOn önwtnpire’o n Garn/ $n.l k*swiae êgnCowa Body __ 19 Ibena’ 35 yes b ovdwueeawa 6geey J’ Claie Beuï Oegre iCiØravi’ 5flØIfltW /WA rMeica)lbteEcc/ ¿PlanEo MBA [tente a- yen aiDera r lmnwç boee’cn PQln’c. ad bag.’ r tri. roaniso’ç aminen r Editail Aiiaeui. d Dinorea. Pi...’ç al OEninayn To weiagaligd el oler Bord sdarea padvoQlSerL.eaPd.aor)e 1Mg POONeS adW_n OeiL lige tSo oa*nea &dope et To Øan ea aid ooo*ala Set ‘obrO rpuðaae ‘r lfl anlero scatyni fl’ct ib a,pooi Saw Raiera’ 135ox lar aol m&ws’s Salad b omM eoL ofle* eraomSn swig. nomo. e woao.y confluai iraairq. riens eflcgnnnn vol moi st. odee agarro. I CHALLENGING CAREER OPPORTUNITY mo Puob Board otT.ctrâcal Ed.noon se copcrat body tccisol, dovotç md rogio Todiraci. Ce. wecial aid %lofli$ Ed iaabon as sea as Tm aid obi camion tQ4o Ooplena layS ir tie pwoce cl Pwt Pm.rqib Board ct Tedinici Em%abon condt.ds mammalian cl diloird nes olTeðsX, ConwrenS and tcalúiM Seon It requass tie semita dma PUrIMIdOnCdOd sis. atly quOd S conipoard Mate) Fornas at ijiatmee. diÑo S doõcabi fix Jobwng poets ai Corna DeputaBan balsas mon boned agnt each çnst Saladad candidatas ad be ed pay acco*-ig t presumed Potamial Pay S bid *9 lucrative alternances stddl makes ter samias subslantialy greater tian liait cow*epemt bi oCien departments Addbceady tiey mi be entilad for bao-e nlned, lab _Ag albence, macmci boNy for hnfsmay arid casual lemmes as pu PBTE nies To gen ea wiSa anon ‘ilalad bccndid Ql nacos b flot, orinas en irait a ¡edema fltveaman oros damaI olas vgoruflu InuØaivt aid Picnic erSavasbatremS. PST! matas ea vo pn TvE? Saint rign Age: Maxanum 30 yemas for contract appointment ‘ Seneaig Govairmeid servatOs aheAd send View cøcatan Oscugh their raspectäs department Advance copy cl apptabon al be aceptable. They shaM dearly meaBan tie dicte tom te of recnMiiea tela e’ Contracto’ on DeputatIon, Pad appled b. shaM be defl attn on top ngos wren of envelop. Appiicabtas deevered bj find *1 not be aœa, Nc TACAsS be pad blast Intensa I $fl09 Appkabone received allan dis dala ad not be enbialned TIe Board aol-tnslraeon reserve te flghl not 13 fIl any poet1 eufYtic ne applcabon aganet my advensec posts sûni as sigiwig ary reagcn Canisdalee trial apply ai çweaated bras that ca’ be doatiloadad free PBTE baae awsobtenat. toit tetad caas all beaded b lest / warner NOTE: ProfIciency Ir MS-Office Softass to required for al pomos Appirabn along at CV, asestad copes ciel lesbeonlab (clOy recagnirac both.res’ Unimnees). relevant ewenence csWales Domcdœ. copy cil CNi.C. one rocrid poospod rie °hotçgraph. rout envelops hoyt-p postai addmessofoa candidate tcsJd be subnitnad t tie Serielay, Pqab Boa-d ci TeintaI Educaba, 21-A. (clam Bixb AIses 1q15 ¡nr, Labre vs regalsed poet & coure, latest by ‘IMay,202. IPL-5630 I7NULLAH CHOUDHRY (S