Punjab Emergency Service (Govt.) Jobs
24-Apr-2012 (Tuesday) in
The Nation
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- Emergency Officers
- Rescue & Safety Officers
- Control Room Incharge
- Assistant Purchase Officer
- Assistant Store Officer
- Assistant Planning Officer
- Photocopier Operator
- Auto Dentor/Painter
- Life Guards
- Security Guards
- Sweeper
City / Location:
- Jobs in Lahore
- Jobs in Punjab
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- Punjab Emergency Service
- Public Sector
- Government Jobs
- Jobs in Pakistan
- Emergency Officers
- Rescue & Safety Officers
- Control Room Incharge
- Assistant Purchase Officer
- Assistant Store Officer
- Assistant Planning Officer
- Photocopier Operator
- Auto Dentor/Painter
- Life Guards
- Security Guards
- Sweeper
M applicailoca filled oa pecw*dd tormi svlI.bb (for Rn 2l.) tjom Eaieapncy Suvlccn Acsdcœn Shame ŒÓwk. Ecrozapet Road. Labor.. PbO4Z-37S6S9Shsnd inns ubeiwed by çplkana in pence in bc same off loe by 2aILlloøS with duly suwod *Le pseport i.ss oeogriphn, copy of ns.ooal t-D. Card. domicele. expcntnœ ccsufacames sod two seis tirsWs oð cIcslonnl quai tiøawLh cach ycai tcculicstdið marks short AI th. doo.imenb ar accepted pcoeieionally and clise of eaçohilln,nt Is subgact lo s*riIICeliOn. Only apølc.*iofle h.llin9 the creerla shd be accepted aliar a.elng oilghlaldoctannriis. No keflm received by poeti a-seiS shall be enteilMied and TÑDAahII not b. geasm when celled f or eamieaiI tees.. Local re.ldeof a sil be given preference. No remxailcn h aocIon (amiyuli) eleili beentectelteid. NOw,tlwisrgi0ye$OI Punjab EmerencySe.leilIbe9ivecl fr..q yars ag relaxafion in çpIc age linS f Oc applying afllNn the Sece agalnat valoi admlnieustNe poets across lii. board sicepi field pQatS Employe olth OovUSarnl GoinjAaAonornous bodail Coepciaiíone will have to .pplylhrcugii proper channeL All c.nddsles shoi4d be physically and medlcy fit and Mteciied a m repon lesued by rie Goat ..cNng H ndorOlslriot H.a»iarlec l4ospllai regarding thsh pilysacai iisp.clIori. Helgiut. Weigh?. D.form’tlae. Cheat & Eys Sighl) sed laboratory leal. for Hepa2lis 8&C and HIVMy petion with eye sight wealter than fl?1 fi) and cbe.e may be short hated al any stage Howavar final selection shall be subject to ScnAiiyl Wndcation of the.. raporlsl lesta end mdác.ífltne.s dearance byEs medical board COMIIIIAId byGow.mm.nl otme Punjab. SS Ciota shall be reserved toc n*icdflle.. Shecnele. can apply. Wäila, agalnal vacnc4eto b. filled Itwoughi open medL Person seth normal .y sigile, height mor, than 5 rand cheat over 3T will be preferred Forme ozccMewlthlempwing shall not C. accepted. In ces. large nun*e.s of apØoallorei aie received. oily .ppllcants with pcelecredi .wteincsd criteria webeconelderad.CafldidataeateectedlOa.ÇllVCðlêyfocCcie5LlùblepOethOweVe15P9(0Pdtot1ca’11mab. adjusted ag.lna*cewr sealable poet on recornmendaiåOfl of ri. Recruitment Commitlee. Persona with dcMng ê .wiTiming skib deli be prefefred. In case a large rtjnlber of apØcabone ace rcslvd agansa any poet. the agØcwlt having Gov.rnin.nê S.ctor expeflenc* n relevant I.id shall be preferred. The competent authority rewve. the right to re.ct any application at any stage wiElOt assiWlltig any reason. Vhman. Physics. Swimming, Driving arid 5I leste shell be CofldiCted at de.ign.*od place.. The wrItten est of qualifying candidates shell be held at the Emergency S.r,Ic., Academy, Lalsore on 14.05-2012 at 9:00am. The applicant. are dwacted to bnng original diary slip ê original CNIC onlywhlle oom4ng billets at Lahors. if any candidat, has any corvip4im a mm’ signed appllcehcrl ash contact numb.’ shorM b. fled ash lie R.c,uðm.nð Con’,1olau,ZSR.dr.a*WCeV(RCAC)lOCat.dJtEmefgaflCySerWic.L4Cadem$ Shorn. ChoisIr. FsrozepuiAod. Landre. Wrsias: R.crwArmres is Reuse JJZZ is heU ce eisoed caaald,ssr award soc so bsJbokd by chesters I*deen